どうして僕が「言葉」というものに強く肩入れするかというと「一九八四年」でオーウェルが書いてます。「言葉を破壊すれば思考の幅は自然と縮小される」。各所で紙の本は「出版社から取り寄せ」になってますがいくつかはまだ在庫あります。青山ブックセンターさんですとか。 aoyamabc.jp/products/murak…
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” -George Orwell @TheBuffaloNews buffalonews.com/opinion/his-st…
Orwell, Welinda and Wallace, the whale family living in the biggest house in town. They are quite whalecoming! (whale, not all of them... Wallace is a bit shy) 🐋🐋🐋 twitter.com/ZeTrystan/stat…
Last day of #Inktober2022, Literary Quotes. Day 31: Farm. Another #dystopian quote. This time #Orwell and #AnimalFarm
#Inktober #inktober2022day31 the end at last - last hint Farm. Animal Farm was an important book to 14 year old me. The British animation equally. #animalfarm #orwell
#inktober2022. My theme is Literary Quotes. Day 14: #empty Had to get #Orwell and 1984 in here. Micron Pigma pen and Winsor & Newton Brushmarkers #Inktober2022day14
#inktober2022 My theme is Literary Quotes. #inktoberday14: #empty There are a couple of books and authors that I absolutely had to include in one of the prompts. #Orwell and 1984 is at the top of that list. Micron Pigma pen and Winsor & Newton Brushmarker
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