Droozh, a non-binary Loxodon Artificer. Bunny's Ballistic Bubbles are their preferred method of destruction, but they're not afraid of fireballs. Droozh's primary outfit is a set of shimmery lederhosen, just because. 🤩 #dndart #dnd5e #loxodon #artificer #watercolor #art
Decorator crab wearing an anemone as a chef’s hat atop a coral reef, in the foreground is a sleeping octopus beside a starfish headed for a sea urchin #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day20 #inktober2020day21 #inktober2020day22 #chef #sleep #coral #octopus #crab #urchin
Don’t look down, you might get DIZZY #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day19 #inktoberday19 #inktoberday19dizzy #dizzy #bridge #fearofheights #dontlookdown #canyon #drawing #drawtober
Pennywise in a STORM drain laying a TRAP #inktober #inktober2020 #inktoberday17 #inktoberday18 #inktober2020day17 #inktober2020day18 #inktoberday17storm #inktoberday18trap #storm #trap #horror #it #pennywise #paperboat #stormdrain #creepy
ROCKET WITH A ROCKET LAUNCHER #inktober #inktober2020 #inktoberday16 #inktober2020day16 #rocket #groot #drawtobwr #rocketlauncher #rocketraccoon
Outpost but in a tree #inktober #inktober2020 #inktoberday15 #inktober2020day15 #inktoberoutpost #outpost #treehouse #drawtober
#inktober without the ink lol whoops This cat wears armor! #inktober2020 #inktober2020day14 #inktoberday14armor #inktober2020day14armor #armor #catarmor #battlecat #graphite #drawtober
Sand worms from Beetlejuice for DUNE #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day13 #inktoberday13 #inktoberdune #inktober2020dune #dune #beetlejuice #sharpie #sharpieart #sandworm
Surinam toad for Hope + Disgusting, because if toads can survive an area it’s not devastatingly polluted and can bounce back, but EW #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day10 #inktober2020day11 #inktoberday11 #inktoberday10 #hope #disgusting #surinamtoad #toad #gross #eggs
Monkey gonna throw a rock at ya #inktober #inktober2020day9 #inktober2020 #inktoberday9 #throw #inktober2020throw #inktoberthrow #monkey #huck #justhuckit #throwthatrock #pummelthepatriarchy
Tim Shaw of Doctor Who for TEETH #inktoberday8 #inktober #day8 #inktober2020 #inktober2020day8 #inktober2020day8teeth #teeth #timshaw #tzimsha #doctorwho #drwho
Mouse fencing with a swordfish #inktober #inktoberday5 #inktoberday6 #inktoberday7 #inktober2020 #rodent #mouse #blade #swordfish #fancy #fencing
Bulky Apparently the sand shark is considered the bulkiest of the sharks #shark #sandshark #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day3 #inktoberday3 #bulky #inktoberbulky
Slimy yet satisfying TASTY #inktober #inktober2019 #inktober2019day25 #inktober2019day25tasty #tasty #meerkat #bug #grub #slimyyetsatisfying #timonandpumba #timon #lionking
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