Happy Birthday, Bernie! 🎉🎁 Can't believe I slept through most of the day before I could draw this. xD Ah, well. It's still Dec 12 somewhere. Check out my VOD for the BTS of this drawing: youtu.be/cZQ-a11FJcM #ベルナデッタ生誕祭2020 #ベルナデッタフォンヴァーリ生誕祭2020
O, @Atlus_West, through the power of the Death Arcana Card, I call upon you to humbly ask you to allow @moricalliope to play Persona 3: FES on her stream. ✋😫🤚 Memento Mori. 💀 #Calliop3 #calliolive #callillust
"Whatever you're looking for is long gone and some beast has been lurking around camp. We're getting out of here tonight; no job's worth dying over. Keep your money. We quit." - Excerpt from Lumenaia's excavation site report #5 #Smaugust #Scalesofwar #Dragons #Dragonology
"Although illegal in all five kingdoms, the high council has seen fit to combine necromancy with our biological research on dragons. I admit, the resulting species intrigues me." - Prof. Alphonse D. Cogni's personal notes #3 #Smaugust #Scalesofwar #Dragons #Dragonology
"The high council has gone mad if they think is a good use of our resources. They would be wise to be content with our current research. No good can come from this endeavor." - Prof. Alphonse D. Cogni's personal notes #7 #Smaugust #Scalesofwar #Dragons #Dragonology
"A common house pet among children. Many enjoy igniting the wick-like plant on its back; causing the Shortfuse to 'sneeze', sending smelly glowing dust through the air. It greatly enjoys this prank." - The Book of Dragonology Vol. 1 #Smaugust #Scalesofwar #Dragons #Dragonology
"It... it was just a normal night. The sky was calm and the stars were out but... but then they started moving. I'll never forget its horrid roar... Their cursed fire consumed the kingdom." - An excerpt from a survivor of Lumenaia #Smaugust #Scalesofwar #Dragons #Dragonology
"The humps on its back produce a hot substance over time. When it gets too warm, it dives into the depths of the ocean to keep cool. When attacked, it can eject the substance as a burning projectile." - The Book of Dragonology Vol. 1 #Smaugust #Scalesofwar #Dragons #Dragonology
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