“hehe, they’ll never notice….” (fourth @drawtober entry ‘fiendish familiar’) #drawtober #drawtoberfiendishfamiliar
it was at this moment that Frederick realised he had no idea how to turn the sparkles off again (third @drawtober entry ‘spellbook apprentice’) #drawtober #drawtoberspellbookapprentice #characterdesign
“Hello, we heard this place requires a good cleaning. May we come in?” #inktober2021 #inktoberfuzzy
It is said that the wisdom of a dragon is directly proportional to the number of loops it’s body shows when resting. #inktober #inktober2021 #inktoberloop
Their antennas always pointing north, they stumble across the country, never resting. #inktober #inktober2021 #inktobercompass
"Only the worthy may enter the underground kingdom! Prove yourself!” #inktober #inktober2021 #inktoberhelmet
"I’m sure they will be here soon. Everything is fine. Breathe.” #inktober2021 #inktober #inktobertick
"Oh don’t worry, there’s lots of space left under this one. Come sit down. Come on.” #inktober #inktober2021 #inktoberroof
"Did it just move? It totally just moved." #inktober day 8 ‘watch’ #inktoberwatch #inktober2021
"Spirits of my ancestors, I beseech you, tell me the lost family casserole recipe." #inktober #inktober2021 #inktoberspirit
"Agh, not again." #inktober day 4 - “knot” #inktoberknot #inktober2021 original available on stellabialek.com/shop
Frederick was a little nervous on his first day on the job. #inktober #inktobersuit original available on stellabialek.com/shop
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