Finished poster art of a #warframe skin concept I designed for #Gyre. Now have to design titles for it and touch up my turn-arounds. It's an homage to the #ArtDeco aesthetic and I call it "Bolero". #tennocreate #warframeskin #warframefanart
I finished my third #Warframe inspired comic book cover. Frost and Ember, classic comic book superhero duo, in all their epic sci-fi pulp space opera glory. #warframefanart #tennocreate
A little WIP of my next #warframefanart comic book cover. I was inspired by classic comic book duos like Cloak & Dagger and Hawk & Dove. Ember and Frost seemed like good candidates for such a team up. Theme is pulp sci-fi space opera. #tennocreate @PlayWarframe
Finally finished rendering the Valkyr comic book #warframefanart Super happy with how it came out. AND I have an idea for the next one. @PlayWarframe
Finished rendering the lighting on the #warframe #hydroid comic book style piece. Here he is with and without title graphics. #tennocreate #warframefanart @PlayWarframe
Just a quick WIP progress tweet on the #Hydroid #warframefanart I'm doing. The main figure is fully rendered. I hope you all enjoy seeing the process. Next up are the tentacles and ability fx. Saving rendering the BG for last. @playwarframe #tennocreate
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