68 87 WOW!! In 3 hours "In Her Universe" is live and @AnaKim_art will raffle the original painting off between the holders and myself!! That is a marvelous morning surprise!!! #NFTartwork knownorigin.io/gallery/203440… twitter.com/AnaKim_art/sta… 22/10/05 20:13
WOW!! In 3 hours "In Her Universe" is live and @AnaKim_art will raffle the original painting off between the holders and myself!! That is a marvelous morning surprise!!! #NFTartwork knownorigin.io/gallery/203440… twitter.com/AnaKim_art/sta…
3 13 @opensea #artvsartist2021 #gratitude 21/12/09 03:51
@opensea #artvsartist2021 #gratitude
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