October was a good month! i finished several yokai that i've been wanting to for a long time ^^ #october2022 #illshowyouwhatidrewthismonth #今月描いた絵を晒そう thank you for your support!! twitter.com/samkalensky/…
Shirodokkuri - 白徳利(しろどっくり) - [yokai] - A Prankster Tanuki from Tokushima Prefecture: disguises itself as a White Tokkuri (🍶) lies on the ground & waits for someone to try and pick it up.- just as they do, it rolls away, keeping just out of reach: samkalensky.com/products/shiro…
The Central American Whintosser. - [Fearsome Critter] An aggressive, screaming, man-eating decapod. it had a long triangular body on an axel, with a full set of legs on each side (12 total.) its body could spin at 100 turns per min!💀Full story: samkalensky.com/products/whint…
It’s been a rough month overall but still, a couple more pieces coming up before it rolls over!! Please look forward to it! 💪 #今月描いた絵を晒そう #illshowyouwhatidrewthismonth
"The Uno Head Replacement Incident." - [Alien] - 1974, Okayama, Japan.] An Alien refugee with 'a face like a mask' met by Mr.F (31, truck driver.) near Uno City, Okayama prefecture, asked Mr F to 'help replace her head' because she was sick… Full story: samkalensky.com/products/Uno
Happy #PortfolioDay again wheeeeee, i draw monsters etc. i'm getting tired of portfolio day so here's a quick look at my entire portfolio, which you can get a better look at over here: samkalensky.artstation.com
Music Room Ghosts - [Urban Legend] - One of the "seven school mysteries" handed down across Japan: its said the judgemental spirits of classical musicians are always listening, their portraits eyes glow nightly. The lonely piano plays a haunting refrain🎵: samkalensky.com/products/music…
I’m gonna try and finish one more piece before the month rolls over but just incase I don’t: #今月描いた絵を晒そう #illshowyouwhatidrewthismonth #june2022 thanks again for your support at @battleofbc & in general. 🥰❤️ it was a busy one!!
Okikus Onryo - "Banchō Sarayashiki" (The Dish Mansion) - The spirit of a young dishwasher from himeji castle. Tricked into believing that she lost a dish by a samurai that wanted her as a lover she rejected him & was dropped down the old well 🍽Full story: samkalensky.com/products/okiku…
#今月描いた絵を晒そう #illshowyouwhatidrewthismonth #May2022 it was a very frustrating month. I did finish a lot of solid work tho: Zine progress felt good, I'm rly satisfied with the poster considering I went into mission mode: 2-day turn around. Hoping June will feel better...
THE FRENCH NUNS WHO MEOWED LIKE CATS! - [UrbanLegend. 1784] “a nun started meowing like a cat, then the entire convent started mewling, It continued daily until the police threatened to whip them.” Often quoted as an example of “Mass Hysteria” full post: samkalensky.com/products/catnu…
Wahoo~ #April2022 I Finished 6 new stickers & finally launched my website: Samkalensky.com Gonna take a couple days off for some r&r. 💪(👁👄👁) my bdays on the 30th!! #illshowyouwhatidrewthismonth #今月描いた絵を晒そう
Tanuki police - #たぬき警察 - sometimes aka “Tanuki Extremists” - a slang title given to tanuki fanatics: sticklers for animal facts or cultural lore. Most infamously noted for sharply pointing out incorrect “raccoon tails” in tanuki artwork. 🚔Read More: samkalensky.com/products/tanuk…
Issun Boshi - “the inch high samurai” - [🇯🇵folkhero] - a clever & proud young man who was born only an inch tall. - Used a bowl of rice as a boat, a cup as a helmet, a sewing needle as a sword & a piece of straw as a scabbard… 🍚 full story: samkalensky.com/products/issun…
Mamedanuki - (豆狸) - 'Small/Bean Tanuki' - [Yokai] - "On nights when it rains lightly, he goes out to buy snacks while carrying his 'bean-bag' like an umbrella." 🟡🟡~ More Tanuki: samkalensky.com/collections/ta…
#今月描いた絵を晒そう #illshowyouwhatidrewthismonth #march2022 this last month was very productive, so I’m happy! I completed a good variety of fearsome critters!! Starting off April and setting up a shopify too (pardon my absence! ❤️)
The Fog-hog - [Fearsome critter 1925] - A floating hog said to appear over Star Lake, WI on the most foggy evenings: it makes the dense night fog even thicker than soup, which confuses fish who then swim through the air, the greedy hog then feasts! 🌫🐷🌫 etsy.me/3tRSLhz
It wouldn't've made sense even if you flipped it. it looks fine in the first pose – how it was meant to be seen. –its like saying freaking DA VINKI NEEDS perfect lighting in reverse - no artist should have to account for mirroring, aren't psychics with future sight. STFU. twitter.com/Barbie_E4/stat…
Jackalope [Fearsome critter] - legendary lagomorphs that leapt and lunged at unlucky cowfolk and lumbermen alike! Said to be able to mimic human speech and song!! A popular subject of taxidermy and North American kitsch! 🐇 My cryptid stickers: etsy.me/3vnG2FF
My Lowest number of stickers in a while (for a few reasons) #February2022 - - also, oops! An almost Monocolor theme! (Blue/purple & white) I’m not sure what to say but I hope that situations improve… #illshowyouwhatidrewthismonth #今月描いた絵を晒そう
"The Axe-Handle Hound" - [Fearsome Critter 1922.] - A small canine-like critter resembling a dachshund with a hatchet face: it wanders between Lumbercamps at night, devouring the axe's that lumberjacks where careless to leave outside 🪓 etsy.me/3Hn0wRe
Kibuna - [黄ぶな] - Legend has it: during the Edo period smallpox epidemics, A magical Yellow Crucian Carp was caught in the centre of Tagawa River in Utsunomiya, Tochigi prefecture. When it was fed to those that were sick, they were immediately cured! 🐟: etsy.me/33DZO4z
The Melon Maiden - Uriko Hime! [folktale] - a beautiful girl born from a melon & adopted by a childless couple, set up to marry a prince. - The demon ‘Amanujaku’ tricks her, tears her face off & replaces her! - Poor thing was not as lucky as Momotaro. 🍉: etsy.me/3FtnsNP
Good #PortfolioDay everyone~ I'm @samkalensky a Character Designer, Illustrator & Product designer! Please don't be shy to reach out! Contact: samkalensky[at]gmail[dot]com Portfolio: artstation.com/samkalensky twitter.com/samkalensky/st…
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