My first ever David King #cosplay in celebration of my Birthday (tomorrow) and 4 years of streaming DBD on twitch. As well as hitting YouTube partner. Thanks for such a great game. @DeadByBHVR #ShirtMySurvivor #nailedit
Well we did it. Reached the goal for the #cosplay announcement. This is the cosplay I will be doing when I reach YouTube Partner! David with the Walrus Cut, Yes I will be shaving my beard the same way... An the rest from his rift cosmetic 🤣 #deadbydaylight not much further!
Sneak peek at the new William "Bill" Overbeck cosplay. Hope to have everything by the time to tome is released! @deadbydaylight #cosplay #DeadbyDaylight #intothefog
Bill Overbeck gets faced camped after running a Bubba for 4.5 gens! Does he die on hook? Check out the chase and outcome on YT! #DeadbyDaylight #dbd #intothefog #cosplay
Trying on my ⚫ contacts for Zombie Bill Overbeck #cosplay. Never put contacts in. It was wierd af. #deadbydaylight #dbd #intothefog
Hawaiian Bill is here. Bill needed a vacation, so he'll be looping killers from Hawaii. #DeadbyDaylight #Dbd #cosplay
Bill Overbeck lost his 🚬 🚬 🚬 someone needs to bring me some ASAP! Best Bill main is streaming #DeadbyDaylight Open lobbies later tonight! @PlatSquad @DeadByBHVR #cosplay #comedy #twitch
Bill Overbeck is here for Silver Fox Saturday. Come see which side the dedicated servers will chose! #DeadByDaylight #cosplay #Bill #twitch
Bill has arrived! Going live now! Be there! #DeadByDaylight #Cosplay #BillMainBigBrain @DeadByBHVR #Left4Dead @PlatSquad #DBD
RupTurE on Twitch / Behind 2 Pallets on YouTubeさんのメディアツイートを見る
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