Hi #PortfolioDay! I'm an illustrator making work full of wonder, warmth, and whimsy looking for freelance work in #kidlit and beyond! Rowankingsbury.com Rep'd by @SoCalledYALife #kidlitart #illustration
Hi, I'm Rowan, a freelance illustrator making work full of wonder, warmth, and whimsy! ✉️ rowank.illo@gmail.com 🌸 rowankingsbury.com 🌸 Instagram: instagram.com/rowan_sugar/ 🌸 Shop: rowankingsbury.com/shop-home 🌸 Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/rowansugar #illustrationartists #kidlitart
Hello #PortfolioDay! I'm a freelance illustrator, author, and maker with a passion for plants and fairies, fluffy things, and cozy fun colors! rowankingsbury.com rowank.illo@gmail.com
Time for my #artvsartist! I'm happy to realize I love a lot of the stuff I made this year and I'm excited to see where I go in 2023! :3 #artvsartist2022
Hello #KidLitArtPostcard! My name's Rowan and I would love to illustrate all your cute and colorful projects! ✨🌸💖
Happy #PortfolioDay! I'm a freelance illustrator happy to work on anything colorful, cute, or cozy! 💖
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