An quick colored sketch of Enna. And yes in this version of her outfit she doesn't have the bows in her hair. But i find it cuter with them. #Palouette #EnnaAlouette #NijisanjiEn
Just an „quick“ cleaned up and colored sketch of Bae. Strait front view to get the hang of her design. #illustrayBAE #hakosbaelz #hololive #HololiveEN #sketch #vtuber #fanart #digitalart #holoCouncil
Happy WAH-mas to everyone and a good start Ina new year.~ #inART #いなート #MerryChristmas #holoMyth #hololiveEnglish
Kikkeriki~ Sorry there is no chicken left, just only a majestic phoenix. 🐣 #artsofashes #絵ニックス #HololiveEN #holoMyth
I think my drawing of Modeus turned out to be a glorious success. #Helltaker #Helltakerfanart #Modeus
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