slayer, traitor, marauder. Corrupt sentinel weapons line-up! #doom #doometernal #ancientgodsparttwo #bethesda #cosplay #prop
Valen’s hammer from doom eternal: the ancient gods dlc #doom #doometernal #ancientgodsparttwo #cosplay #prop
THE BLOODY CROW OF CAINHURST SET IS FINISHED! Plingles cans are useful for shin pieces, gauntlets and shoes :3 Also, buckram fabric doesn’t fuck up visibility. #bloodborne #soulsborne #cainhurst #cosplay #prop
AAAAAND THE VILEBLOOD WEAPONS ARE DONE TOO! #bloodborne #soulsborne #BandaiNamco #cosplay #prop
THEY ARE FINISHED AT LAST! ludwig’s rifle and repeating pistol from bloodborne #bloodborne #soulsborne #BandaiNamco #cosplay #props
repeating gun and ludwig’s rifle are looking really good... too good, they need a more murky/dirty/worn-off look #bloodborne #soulsborne #cosplay
It’s been 8 years since @heilburg and I met. We have cosplayed together ever since. We even met in a con. Today it marks 3 years since we got married. Happy aniversary dear uwu #cosplay #cosplaycouple
Nick and Ellis from left 4 dead 2 in the extaction point of @warcelona fan-made campaign by @CarlosGameDev and co. #Left4Dead #left4dead2 #l4d2 #cosplay #valve
mutes united for science! hl2 gordon freeman cosplay done 7 years ago. And my wife @heilburg as chell portal2 version (Someday I’ll remake the HEV suit... or I’ll make the hl1/black mesa version) #halflife #portal #halflife2 #portal2 #valve #cosplay #gordonfreeman
“a dinner in the A&G dinner” Old Deadly Premonition Group cosplay we pulled off for halloween some years ago. york: @JverseJM george: @heilburg emily: @Miss_Arilicious thomas: @ren128cosplay #deadlypremonition #cosplay @Swery65
Moira’s backpack, gauntlets and orbs for my wife’s moira cosplay #Overwatch #overwatchcosplay #cosplay #prop
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