I have to say atm Ardbert! But Elf King Kyle is Probably a close 2nd if not more! #SouthPark #KyleBroflovski #cosplay QRT with the cosplay you're known for, then have your followers comment their fave cosplay from you. twitter.com/CupsofPre/st…
Wow thank you everyone for the follows! You are all so kind! Since alot of people like my Ardbert cosplay here are more pics! #FFXIV #ffxivcosplay #ffxivardbert #ardbert #ardbertcosplay #WoL #WoD
I go by Syao or Kynn, I have been cosplaying for about 10 years. FF is my love but currently super into Zelda! Im way more cosplay active on IG same name! I love this trend so wholesome! #CosplayersUnder1k #cosplayersunder500 #cosplay #ffxiv #ffxv #tsot
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