Some kinda unfinished stuff, no consitency... And I don't even have a good pic of myself so I'm using cosplay one to help my self esteem #artvsartist2021
I miss cosplaying and looking fab Photo by @gabrielleeccard #giornogiovanna #giorno #JOJOsBizzareAdventure #jojocosplay #cosplay
It's been a while since I last posted any cosplay pic. During this quarentine I really wish I could eat some grapes and drink some wine again ;; #gilgamesh #cosplay #fatezero #fateseries
I did two photoshoots as Giorno Giovanna, tho not with his regular outfit I really loved all the pics and it was very hard to choose among them Makeup by @nooneenonicos and photos by @gabrielleeccard #cosplay #cosplayboy #jojocosplay #giornogiovanna #jojosbizarreadventure #jojo
I've just got some more Astolfo pics. I'm very, very happy with the results since I was kinda afraid of using this costume. Amazing pic by @gabrielleeccard 🙏 #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayboy #astolfo #rider #riderofblack #fatego #fgo #fateseries
Finally cosplaying again and taking some photos. Here's from a local event that happened last weekend. I've been wanting to cosplay Astolfo for a long time. Hope to do other versions in the future! Photo by @ecchipara #cosplay #riderofblack #astolfo #fateapocrypha #fatego #fate
Still on the hype, now as Enkidu. I wanted that Craft Essence outfit he has that's really nice. Gilgamesh by @celcosplay1 Photo by @gabrielleeccard #cosplay #fgo #fatego #lancer #archer #enkidu #gilgamesh #babylonia #fategrandorder
I decided to follow my Fate hype and post Gil again. Have to get back on my Fate cosplays this week Photo by @celcosplay1 Edit by @nooneenonicos #cosplay #cosplayer #gilgamesh #fatezero #archer
Also, since it's Halloween here's my Faust VIII from Shaman King. I wanted to take a themed photoshoot with this cosplay, but had no money and time available. Next year for sure #cosplay #cosplayer #shamanking #faustviii Photo by @gabrielleeccard
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