Quaggoths are weird. EVERYONE ATTACK ALL AT ONCE! MURDERHOBO! I mean they attacked first and they didn't respond to any dialogs sooooooooo... KILL THEM! THEY HIT OUR FIGHTER! MY FRIENDS ARE IN DANGER! AAAAAAAAH! #dndart #dogpile #somanycantrips #weneedalongrest #ohboy #dnd5e
I added some flats. Peren has a colour palette now. Woot! #mybabyisalive #flats #dndart #characterart #prettyelvenboy #idancefight #butwithasword
Our #tabaxi swashbuckler has an umbrella now, a sea hag umbrella. #dnd5e #dungeonsofthemadmage #dndart #imsketchingandnoonecanstopme #frogonthewall #grung #imsogladimadeafrog #thereisalotofwaterunderwaterdeep #talkingthroughhashtags #amiusinghashtagsright #aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Took some NPC's on a scouting mission. Were they helpful? No. But I love them. Also my spider is the best. #DnD #dnd5e #dndart #throughmyfamiliarseyes #arcanetrickster
I never posted this, Greta the urchin child. Saved from the cultists at the Temple of the Order's Weal. Given a dagger of venom and a deck of illusions. One day she will rule this city, Anarchy! #DnDcharacter #npc #illplayheroneday #dndart
And yet another sketch of my #dndcharacter Anu, the book thief. She just got a fiendish spider as a familiar to help with magic and backstabbing. They are the best of friends. #dndart #digitalpaint #originalcharacter #icandowhatiwant
Did my self portrait for the day twice. One with a reference and one without. References. Wow. Much improve. #selfportrait #digitalpaint #myimaginationistrash #ineedtopractice #sketch
If I practice enough maybe one day I'll be a furry artist. A sketch of one of my players characters again just in a different style. #dndart #bard #humblewood #hessofasticannotpinhimdownincombat #themobilefeatisridiculous
Trying my best to traumatize my players by having visions of their family die and come back as zombie puppets. Did it work? #dndart #sketch #itried #zombiepuppets #polymorphproblems
Okay okay okay, so you know when your dad sends assassins to kill your friends because you ran away because he was lowkey evil and you finally returned to confront him and then he apologizes in a round about way and asks for help? That. #dndart #comic #daddyissues #wildmagic #oh
Day 30, ornate. A doilies sword made by a grandmotherly diety. She made it just for you you know and she puts snacks on it every day. #swordtember #Swordtember2021 #doilie
Day 27, Cosmic. A flumph turned into a sword via a true polymorph spell to help vanquish evil beings from beyond the stars. #swordtember #Swordtember2021 #dnd
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