Day 24 Not all succubuses suck your blood... sometimes they just cut you in half. Lilith Aensland from Darkstalkers #inktober2021 #inktober2021day24
Day 22 We aint done with this yet, not until we get the nendoroid in our grasp... please? Ursula Callistis/Shiny Chariot Dunord From Little Witch Academia #LWA #Lwajp #inktober2021 #inktober2021day22
Day 21 Luna Nova's very competent witches... in my darn opinion! Lotte Jansson, Akko Kagari and Sucy Manbavaran From Little Witch Academia. #inktober2021 #inktober2021day21
Day 20 Nun by day, Darkstalker by night... duh. A friendly big titted cat.. 👀 Felicia from Darkstalkers #inktober2021 #inktoberday20
Day 19 Brimming with joy and with some high spirited energy in her everyday life. Aioi Yuuko From Nichijou #inktober2021 #inktober2021day19
Day 16 Can't have a River City Girls with another girl incoming! Misako from River City Girls #inktober2021 #inktober2021day16
Day 15 Cute and deadly at the same time, Never underestimate this girl. Kyoko From River City Girls #inktober2021 #inktober2021day15
Day 11 Time to put your Kung Fu knowledge to the test... Dunno if this is Kung Fu though... Chie Satonaka From Persona 4 #inktober2021 #Inktober2021Day11
Day 7 Have a very good vibin day, featuring to you Naoto and her Vibin' friend. Naoto Shirogane Persona 4 #inktober2021 #inktober2021day6
Day 6 Any hot milfs in the are? Coz Kanama Date is right here for you. :^) Kaname Date From AI: The Somnium Files #inktober2021 #inktober2021day6
Time to do some stuff this October, gonna draw my favorite characters everyday till October End! 1st day Etna from Disgaea #inktober2021
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