さいしょからずっと 言ってること変わらんのにね… From the beginning. It's odd, even though what he's saying has never changed. #illustrationartist #illustration #万年筆 #万年筆画 #イラスト #落書き #イラスト練習 #74kozo
なんやわからんけどこの流れ、あかんで! #illustrationartist #illustration #万年筆 #万年筆画 #イラスト #落書き #その場で一発描き #イラスト練習 #74kozo #イラスト好きな人と繋がりたい
Mr.GAASYY He is a member of the Diet. His words seared the schadenfreude lurking in everyone's heart. #イラスト #illustrator #イラスト好きな人と繋がりたい #illustration #万年筆 #万年筆画 #その場で一発描き #74kozo #ガーシー I don't think you should leave.
正月3日目から発熱 I had a fever when I thought I had a headache. I thought the headache was probably due to dry eyes, but I was wrong. I also had chills and a runny nose. It was the third day of the New Year. #illustration #fountainpen #万年筆画 #イラスト #74kozo
#inktober2022day27 #snack #inktober #inktober2022 Mr.Hosono was looking like a snacc.”He's the same as he ever was. From his NOTE of September 28,It's probably just what the man wants, to draw attention to the Unification Church through terrorism. ...Same old s☓☓☓.
#inktober2022day21 #BADDOG #inktober #inktober2022 インクトーバー21日目のお題は“最高の相棒”丸チャンと草ピ BAD DOGS means best buddies, right? So, these guys came to my mind. Mr. Maruyama, who is actually a bit of a tearjerker, and Mr. Kusaka, who is calm and cool. Anyway,
#inktober2022day20 #BLUFF #inktober2022 On November 4, oral arguments between Mr. Seko and Mr. Nakano were held at the Tokyo District Court.When asked about his views on the FamilyFederation(FFWPU, Mr. Seko said, "It has repeatedly caused problems with its psychic business, and…
#inktober2022day24 #FAIRY #inktober2022#svslearn インクトーバー24日目のお題は妖精 #妖精さん InJapanessociety, middle-aged people like me who don't seem to work are called "Yosei-san. I can't raise production to match my paycheck…I think the lost generation resents us that way
#inktober2022day19 #PonyTail #アナログ絵 #inktober #inktober2022 @svslearn #svslearn #kuretake_inktober2022 インクトーバー19日目のお題はポニーテール I'm in a hurry. I don't have much time and I can't tie it right. ゔ--急いでるのに上手く結べない
#inktober2022day11 #EAGLE #アナログ絵 #inktober #inktober2022 インクトーバー11日目のお題は鷲。 鷲の眼を持つ男“世耕弘成” The man with the eagle eye, Hiroshige Seko.The slap lawsuit in the case was filed on November 4 at 10:30 a.m. at the Tokyo District Court;
#inktober2022day8 #MATCH #inktober #inktober2022 @svslearn #svslearn #kuretake_inktober2022 インクトーバー8日目のお題はマッチ 次はどのマッチ擦りますか…? Which matches will be next? ウラ紙にZEBRA SARASA0.4使用
#inktober2022day12 #FORGET #inktober #inktober2022 @svslearn #svslearn #kuretake_inktober2022 インクトーバー12日目を描き途中、…似てないのでやり直します Well, no. It doesn't look like it. I'll redo it.
#inktober2022day12 #FORGET #inktober #inktober2022 Drafting of “Forget” インクトーバー12日目“忘れる”の下描き Hmmm, they don't look alike. It is difficult to draw a human face in a similar way.
#inktober2022day10 #CRABBY #inktober #inktober2022 @svslearn #svslearn #kuretake_inktober2022 インクトーバー10日目のお題はご機嫌斜め
#inktober2022day9 #NEST #inktober #inktober2022 @svslearn #svslearn #kuretake_inktober2022 インクトーバー9日目のお題は巣篭もり Food, drink, and tools of the trade are all ready to go. I don't want to step out of here. ここから一歩も出たくないな
#inktober2022day7 #trip #inktober #inktober2022 @svslearn #svslearn #kuretake_inktober2022 インクトーバー7日目のお題は旅行、…日帰りで秘境の温泉に行きたい。 I wish I could go on a day trip to a secluded hot spring.
#inktober2022day7 #inktober #inktober2022 @svslearn #svslearn #kuretake_inktober2022 インクトーバー7日目の下絵 rough sketch
#inktober2022day6 #inktober #inktober2022 @svslearn #svslearn #kuretake_inktober2022 インクトーバー6日目のお題は花束 He presented the bouquet with his greatest tribute, "Mother Moon." 最大賛辞“マザームーン”を花束とともに
#inktober2022day5 #inktober #inktober2022 @svslearn #svslearn #kuretake_inktober #kuretake_inktober2022 インクトーバー5日目は火炎 FLAME
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