12 122 I love this Pen and Ink! So cute. Thank you so much to @choco.late.art for this adorable work. Happy Inktober! ;) #ralpharmy #mattvladimery #teammattvlad #connorarmy #bryandechart #detroitbecomehuman #quanticdream #fanart #ps4 #gamers #ign #bestfansever #blessed #inktober 18/10/04 06:34
I love this Pen and Ink! So cute. Thank you so much to @choco.late.art for this adorable work. Happy Inktober! ;) #ralpharmy #mattvladimery #teammattvlad #connorarmy #bryandechart #detroitbecomehuman #quanticdream #fanart #ps4 #gamers #ign #bestfansever #blessed #inktober
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