1 7 Finished my version of the drawing collab,the colloured by my friend isnt ready yet but i tried to do the Shadows as it is on the game.hope you like it💜🕷️🕷️💜 #artista29BC #art #Artchivist #desenhista #arte #Capcom #StreetFighter6 #StreetManFighter #drawing #desenho 22/10/12 05:33
Finished my version of the drawing collab,the colloured by my friend isnt ready yet but i tried to do the Shadows as it is on the game.hope you like it💜🕷️🕷️💜 #artista29BC #art #Artchivist #desenhista #arte #Capcom #StreetFighter6 #StreetManFighter #drawing #desenho
2 11 A drawing that i was doing for a juri collab,i Will post tomorrow the final version of it on the paper.(because the friend that im doing the collab with Will Paint it on digital).hope you like it💜💜💜🕷️ #ArtoftheRogue #ArtofLegends #Juri #JuriHan #StreetFighter6 #drawing #arte 22/10/11 05:07
A drawing that i was doing for a juri collab,i Will post tomorrow the final version of it on the paper.(because the friend that im doing the collab with Will Paint it on digital).hope you like it💜💜💜🕷️ #ArtoftheRogue #ArtofLegends #Juri #JuriHan #StreetFighter6 #drawing #arte
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