Drew this yesterday while watching Fulgurlicious stream🫶 Merry Christmas Fuuchan and comfydants⛄️ 今年可以縮在自己的羊毛衣裡過聖誕了 ᏊˊꈊˋᏊ #Artchivist #Legartus
I’m late but happy 6 months😭 Thank you for lighting up my life. It's great to see you enjoy your time here. I love you my osheep🐑❤️ #Artchivist #Legartus #FulgurOvid
CODE NAME : EDEN Are you ready to take the red pill? 只是想畫個Fu=Adam + Ovidia=Eve的伊甸園幻想 然後硬要用matrix梗下標(´-ω-`) #FulGallery #Fulgurlicious #FulgurOvid
| Legatus|Archivist|the Queen | Drawing Ovidia for the first time(。-_-。) 軍裝L+馬尾A+獸耳髮型O 搞死自己的三種願望一次滿足 我盡力了畫圖太難了救命 #FulGallery #Fulgurlicious #FulgurOvid
Legatus🐏🍷Dionysus Drawing is always a happy/pain process for me. But I drew this past few days during Fuchan’s stream time, with his voice in the background made everything lot more easier to get through. Love Fuchan so much😭❤️ #FulgurOvid #FulGallery #Fulgurlicious
It's been a looooong time since I draw anything, but I feel like I need to do something for today so here I am ;; Love you Fuchan Thank you for everything You deserve all the happiness in the world Happy day❤️ #FulGallery #FulgurOvid
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