*day 19 #ponytail 🌈 Old draws turn… My mind is soft and harmonious. I am free to be me. You can't ask for anything from love of art, just give thanks! #inktober22 #inktober #madeinbarcelona
*DAY 13 #INKTOBER2022 #KIND to be kind, or draw something kind... nothing better than a friesian kind cow... grazing in the field... . . . #misticacreativa #inktober #INK #joketober2022 #PASTAR #inkober2022 #humor #graphichumor #art #drawing #posthumor #jocreo #madeinbarcelona
*I forgot the spell!!! 🌈 . . . #bruja #blackcat #hechizo #forget #forgot #misticacreativa #medelasbrujas #witch #inktober #joketober2022 #inkober2022 #humor #graphichumor #art #drawing #posthumor #jocreo #madeinbarcelona
*Day 11 #eagle 🌈 (who watches who? if you look into the abyss it also looks inside you… #inktober #machine #joketober2022 #inkober2022 #humor #graphichumor #aguila #maquina #animalover #art #drone #drawing #posthumor #jocreo #madeinbarcelona
*Day 10 #inktober22 #crabby 🌈 *sorry I’m not straight (heterosexual)… . . . #joketober2022 #roca ##ideas #ink #draw #art #lutxana #inktober2022
🌈 Day 7 #trip #inktober *every draw ink is a trip, I dont know how ends every line… I trust in my flow, sometimes ends good sometimes not… ❤️🙌 today in Spain new law says: the silence doesn’t would say like yes, only yes is yes! #inktober2022
*beauty, time and life are #scurry … they escape from our body and existence like drops of September rain… . . . #inktober #ink #inkoctober #inkoctober2022 #lutxana #barcelona #art #drawing #ideas
*beginnings 🌈🐢 we need to find new ideas, new projects for future and for #freedom and equality now #winwin #ubuntu #peoplehavethepower 🌈#inkoctober #ink #inktober #inktober2022 #barcelona 1. #Gargoyle #iranwoman #1o #democracy #feminist #independencia
✍️Ilustraciones infinitas y #dandeegirls en mi insta #PortfolioDay 😎🧐 #lutxana #art #barcelona lutxana.es instagram.com/lutxanaart
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