day 31: last day:( the pals are having a nice post-Halloween fire in their witch-inspired costumes! thanks for tuning in yall, I hope you enjoyed #froggyfall #inktober (:
day 28: little creature! I don’t have a story for them tbh I just wanted to draw some spoders 🥰🕷#froggyfall #inktober
day 26 (caught up!!): warm sweater! his granny sent him this nice sweater she knitted for him all by herself! we love grannies (: #froggyfall #inktober
day 24: fall blooms! the local greenhouse had mums on sale so he picked up his favorite colors for some nice florals at home 🥰 #froggyfall #inktober
day 23: apple! a nice relaxing day at the apple orchard with some snacks to take home after(: #froggyfall #Inktober
day 19: poison! (used loosely) fulfilling a new order from the store for someone named “Sally” (iykyk) #froggyfall #Inktober
day 18: frogs familiar! our two protagonists are having a nice lunch date with an old friend (: #froggyfall #inktober
days 16 & 17: plant shelf & witch’s home! the local witch might not be the nicest but she’s got a nice plant collection! good plant mom(: #froggyfall #inktober
days 13 & 14: tea & night sky! swapped his hot cocoa for tea and went out to watch the stars (: #froggyfall #inktober
I am very behind on this, I’ve been busy & stressed this past week, but today I’m catching up so here’s day 12: stones & gems! lil guy found some pretty amethyst here in this cave! #froggyfall #Inktober
day 11: candles! maybe you don’t wanna sit in the middle of your star made of candles? … up to you tho #froggyfall #inktober
days 9 & 10: spooky forest & hanging ivy! he found some nice ivy for decorating in this forest! A little foggy but not ~too ~ spooky! #froggyfall #inktober
day 8: pumpkin! they wanted to not just carve a pumpkin, but to ~ b e c o m e ~ one 🎃🐸 #froggyfall #Inktober
day 6 & 7: mossy log & fortune! lucky froggy, I guess skipping chores and adventuring paid off for him 🐸💰 #froggyfall #inktober
day 4: broomstick! someone didn’t do their chores so he’s mad he has to sweep 😠 (I messed up on his eyes but it’s kinda derpy so I like lol) #inktober #froggyfall
hi friends! this year I’ve decided to participate in #inktober in the form of #froggyfall to try and improve my drawing skills! since I started late, a few days will be combined, but all my doodles will be in this thread here’s days 1 & 3, mushroom & herb garden, hope you like🐸
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