Villefranche-sur-Mer, watercolor in the sketchbook. From today’s #urbansketchers Nice outing #aquarelle #watercolorsketchbook #nicecotedazur #villefranchesurmer #villefranche #pleinairpainting #pleinairsketching #etchrsketchbook #cotedazur #usknice
Marché de la Libération, watercolor in the sketchbook A bit of rain but finally when the trucks came and blocked my view, had to stop. #aquarelle #watercolorsketchbook #architecturesketch #pleinairpainting #urbansketch #cotedazur #watercolorpainting #usknice #watercolouring
I'm thrilled that this August I'll be leading a one week watercolor workshop with the amazing @RiverTreeArts in Kennebunk, Maine. The workshop is open to all levels. For more info and to sign up check out:… #watercolorworkshop #summerworkshop #watercolor
Little Ioanna, already almost one years old… Small watercolor in the @etchr_lab B5 cold press Perfect Sketchbook. #watercolorportrait #watercolorpainting #etchrsketchbook #watercolorsketchbook #babygirl #oneyearold #babyportrait #watercolourpainting #aquarellepainting
A swan in the woods—a small watercolor from this morning. Painted in the @etchr_lab A5 Perfect Sketchbook. #watercolorpainting #watercolor #watercolorlandscape #watercolourpainting #watercolorsketchbook #inthesketchbook #swanpainting
“Lighthouse”, a watercolor painting from a recent private lesson. It’s based from a beautiful image of a lighthouse in Maine—one of my dream destinations as so many of my favorite artists have connections there. #watercolorpainting #fabrianopaper #mainelighthouse
Here’s a finished portrait plus some zoomed in views Watercolor on 600g Fabriano Artistico paper Private commission #watercolorpainting #watercolorportrait #fabrianoartistico #aquarelle #watercolourportrait
Inktober Day 2: “Mindless” Some action lines and melodrama for panel 2 of 31 of my #Inktober2019 minicomic #inktobercomic
Here we go-- #Inktober2019 Day 1! This year I'm going to try to put together a story utilizing the word prompts for each day. A 31 panel fantasy manga! Or something like that. Word of the day: "Ring" #inktober #ringoffire #annular #pentelbrushpen
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