A pair of speculative meiofaunal #opabinia, close relatives of #radiodonts. They use their long trunks to feed on #tardigrades #rotifers #ciliates khinorhynchs, gastrotrichs, and other microbes #speculativebiology #paleoart
Another piece for Astrovitae magazine. Really pushing the “speculative” side of #speculativebiology biology with a terrestrial #radiodont that produces silk and lives in a constructed house like a bagworm. #anomalocaris #speculativeevolution #paleoart
Speculative arboreal #radiodonts in a Devonian mangrove swamp. An illustration for an article I’m working on in Astrovitae magazine. #anomalocaris #speculativebiology #speculativeevolution #paleoart
Another speculative radiodont. This is a parasitic Mustache Ghoul Shrimp. It clamps onto the side of prey using modified Great Appendages then rasps away at the flesh and sucks out fluids with its ring-mouth. #speculativebiology #paleoart
Another speculative radiodont (or anomalocarid, if you want to be old school) for a piece I’m working on for Astro vitae magazine. Many unrelated crustaceans have evolved to look like crabs- a process known as “carcinization”- so why not a radiodont? #paleoart #anomalocaris
Today at work I scanned a digitized a couple pieces of vintage original artwork we found while cleaning out the storage room. They aren’t signed, so I can’t say for certain who drew them, but I think these might be originals from Dr Robert Bakker. #paleoart #palaeoart
Art update on my big #radiodont piece. I plan to have this available as prints and t-shirts. Note: absolutely nothing is to scale. Just putting that out there right away. #palaeort #paleoart
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