Day08 - Watch . AHA! Blink WAS being watched! But wait, isn't this..? . . #ink #technicalpen #pencil #inktober #inktober2021 #watch #background #isntthis #drawing #art
Day07 - Fan . Good thing Blink didn't use up ALL her money! . . #ink #technicalpen #pencil #inktober #inktober2021 #fan #roomandboard #blackout #drawing #art
Day06 - Spirit . First thing you spend your advance is on.. booze?! . . #ink #technicalpen #pencil #inktober #inktober2021 #spirit #booze #firstpaycheck #drawing #art
Day05 - Raven . Good thing Mr. Raven has a soft spot for Blink. . . #ink #technicalpen #pencil #inktober #inktober2021 #raven #interview #justhired #drawing #art
Day02 - Suit . Meet Blink! She's a miner, wearing her rockbreaker suit. What's gonna happen to her in the mines? . . #ink #technicalpen #pencil #inktober #inktober2021 #suit #ppweredarmor #art #practice #drawing
01 - Fish . Issue or no issue, I'm doing Inktober. It's what inspired me to study drawing seriously and to improve my skill. It's my personal pilgrimage to where it all began . #ink #inktober #inktober2020 #fineliner #unipin #illustration #drawing #practice #art
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