Did some Chayanne beloved doodles while I was listening to Phil's stream, oh no the egg fever is spreading help-- #qsmpfanart #QSMPeggstwt #philzafanart #technofanart (reposted for better quality haha 💀)
He took on the kingdom of god and won :D #technofanart #technobladefanart #technoblade #mcytfanart #technobladeneverdies
So uh royal family brain rot stole my entire braincell for a week-- ft. King Phil, Queen Kristin, Crown Prince Wilbur, and uncle-flavored Blood God Technoblade #philzafanart #wilbursootfanart #technofanart #trixtinfanart #mumzafanart #agmp
"Family portrait: Brothers in the apocalypse" Stay Underneath My Wings by @sircantus is so freakin good I go feral every time I see an update in my inbox and the #bedrockbros were too awesome not to do the DTIYS (og below) #sircantus4k #technofanart #tommyinnitfanart #sumw
gonna faceplant now I spent like 10 hours on these hnnnn they were supposed to be doodles why am I like this-- (worth it for the braid study tho) Also somehow my WIP superhero AU Techno worked his way in here haha oops don't at me /lh #technofanart #antarcticempire #mcytfanart twitter.com/quizbeing/st…
Man's going through a bit :) //tw blood "I grant thee a boon." #AGMP #philzafanart #mcytfanart (p.s. thanks to literally everyone I shared the WIPs with who gave feedback, those wings were a pain in the ass ;;.;;)
#Techno_ber has been a great challenge to participate in & a way to remember Techno. I wasn't quite able to get to the last two prompts I wanted done, but I did start on them. Here's 24: Duo (WIP). The #twinsduo dynamic is so fun. :D <3 #dsmpfanart #mcytfanart #wilbursootfanart
Very late with this one but finished #Techno_ber day 22: AU! This is pseudo-epilogue content for #AGMP. Phil gets his first flight in with Techno :) <3 #mcytfanart #technobladefanart #technofanart #philzafanart
So uh this took me literally all day...oops😅 Anyway, #Techno_ber day 13: Barn! An alternate #bedrockbros timeline mayhaps...? idk I just wanted Techno fondly-concernedly watching Tommy sleep against Carl do with it what you will :) #technofanart #tommyinnitfanart #mcytfanart
Did a lil thing last night. Percy likes his new duds <3 Mini photoshoot at some point soon maybe :) #technofanart #technobladefanart #technobladeneverdies
#Techno_ber day 11: battle; aka Helping Hand by Horseback. ...we'll just pretend there are actually enemies (baby zombies) everywhere or else I'd still be here come Christmas. :') #mcytfanart #technofanart #philzafanart #emeraldduo #emduo
#Techno_ber day 8: Book! #AGMP!Techno getting lessons from Phil with Chat's help. (Kept with the sketchy theme again bc I have a habit of getting lost in the lining, might do more like this idk.) #mcytfanart #technofanart #philzafanart #emeraldduo
#Techno_ber day 6: Garden, featuring #AGMP!Techno working in the potato garden outside the cabin while Chat/the Soulbound watch on :) This wasn't a prompt I was originally gonna do so I went a lot more chill on the lining and coloring for this one #technofanart #mcytfanart
#Techno_ber day 4: Pets. :) #mcytfanart #technofanart I absolutely had to draw Carl for this. and then it was a little empty so the wolves and a birb showed up. Worth it but also I'm so glad I'm taking a few days' break cuz this took SO LONG ;;.;; *sob*
#Techno_ber day 3: Scar! (Is it cheating to use an AU? Nah why'd you think that get out of here /lhj) Needed this for #AGMP!Techno so I took the opportunity by the horns :) Fun fact: there are none on his belly/neck/wings bc he's too good at fighting #mcytfanart #technofanart
Day 1 of #Techno_ber/#Technober with "Hullo!" :D I literally did this is like an hour and a half help-- /lh #technofanart #mcytfanart
Not me realizing the prompt I'm drawing, while the first one I chose to do, isn't the 1st prompt so I didn't have to stay up to work on it & post today-- This is fine. Anyway have a sneak peek, an actual day 1 prompt will be coming later: #techno_ber #technober #technofanart
Hello I love where this is going?? what is this hair I??? Sometimes I just pop off and have no idea where it came from and this is one of those times-- #technofanart #technobladefanart #technoblade
Three cheers for the king, all hail King Philza :) (ok so technically elements of this are Prince Philza but who's keeping track really /j) (untag replies pls) #agmp #agmphilza #philzafanart #mcytfanart @Ph1LzA @rt_philza @fanartofmcyt
The heart of the dragon #agmp #agmptechno #technofanart #technobladefanart #mcytfanart #dragonau #dragon (untag replies)
Everyone on tl freaking out about Quackity lore and I'm just over here drawing the Minecraft man himself :) (WIP progress pic) #agmp #Philzafanart #mcytfanart
THANK YOU AGAIN SM FOR 100!!! As promised, here's #sandduo for this milestone's DTIYS. Rules in the replies! (Yes this is from #AGMP, yes they get real wings, no I won't explain how hehe :D) #wilbursootfanart #philzafanart #mcytfanart #GladiusDTIYS100
Hello late night timeline have an update to the perspective woes sketch from earlier even if Phil kinda looks a little derpy to me I am so tired ;;;.;;; night night for me now baiiii #philzafanart #technofanart #emeraldduo (don't rt it's a WIP aaaah)
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