#inktober2022 I have more drawings, but I think I'll just post these to cap off Inktober 2022. Social media's just a lot, y'know
Compiling my very belated ink drawings... I'm committing and procrastinating, you know? #inktober2022
#inktober2022 #inktober I couldn't think of anything to draw today in a short amount of time so I looked at the prompt and drew a gargoyle gecko. Kind of.
Inktober 26: Late submission but was playing Phasmophobia and watching a friend try to scare the life out of my other friend... #inktober #inktober2021 #Phasmophobia
Inktober Day 17: I think I made Bread too small... but that is the yeast of your worries in this game! Just roll with it and have a berry nice time with this visual novel. I don't draw cute things often. #inktober #inktober2021 #CookingCompanions
Inktober Day 14: Couldn't get this bizarre animated sequence from No More Heroes III out of my head so I decided to draw it I guess. It is really strange... #inktober #inktober2021 #NoMoreHeroes
Inktober Day 12: I've always liked I-no's design, but geez she's a real horndog. Redraw of her old portrait art. #inktober #inktober2021 #GUILTYGEAR
Inktober Day 11: Tropical pitcher plants are so cool! Big props to this genus of plants for getting me and other people interested in botany... #inktober #inktober2021 #nepenthes
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