260 978 「雷電」 22/01/20 21:50
80 371 Snake Eater’s 17th Anniversary❗️ #MGS3 21/11/17 00:13
Snake Eater’s 17th Anniversary❗️ #MGS3
79 407 No Place to Hide❗️ 21/10/21 04:54
No Place to Hide❗️
225 928 21/06/28 02:24
253 1019 Rising 21/06/22 19:08
618 2692 #Metroid 21/06/21 04:07
277 1828 Solid Sam.. #DeathStranding #デスストランディング 21/06/16 00:53
Solid Sam.. #DeathStranding #デスストランディング
530 2866 Happy Anniversary ❗️🎉 21/06/13 02:21
Happy Anniversary ❗️🎉
182 1356 21/06/01 13:46
954 3863 "A corpse, should be left well alone..” #Bloodborne 20/11/03 15:55
"A corpse, should be left well alone..” #Bloodborne
151 645 “Beasts all over the shop, you’ll be one of them, sooner or later...” #Bloodborne 20/10/30 14:12
“Beasts all over the shop, you’ll be one of them, sooner or later...” #Bloodborne
1156 5181 closer look at the Good Hunter #Bloodborne 20/10/27 05:07
closer look at the Good Hunter #Bloodborne
399 1496 “Fear the old blood” #bloodborne 20/10/26 13:43
“Fear the old blood” #bloodborne
134 560 It’s the North American 22nd anniversary of this masterpiece❗️ #MetalGearSolid 20/10/22 08:54
It’s the North American 22nd anniversary of this masterpiece❗️ #MetalGearSolid
166 676 The hero of Shadow Moses #MGS2 20/10/01 06:42
The hero of Shadow Moses #MGS2
135 451 “The Hudson river, two years ago..” #MGS2 20/09/26 01:44
“The Hudson river, two years ago..” #MGS2
82 321 “A Hind D ? Colonel, what’s a Russian gunship doing here?” #MetalGearSolid 20/05/16 08:49
“A Hind D ? Colonel, what’s a Russian gunship doing here?” #MetalGearSolid
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