I delivered one case. I am very happy that the client is pleased. and Super grateful for the boost & message ! 一件を納品しました。とても喜んでもらえて嬉しいです。そしてブーストに超感謝! #Skeb #Commission twitter.com/byHanabi/statu…
サムネにある1枚目の通常版カラーです💡 standard version. skeb.jp/@byHanabi #Skeb #Commission twitter.com/byHanabi/statu…
skeb再開しておきました💡 Requests are now open again. skeb.jp/@byHanabi Thank you for your requests last month. #Skeb #Commission #OC
納品しました。またしても価格の時点で判ってたけどパーツ量が尋常じゃなかった(迷うレベルw)ので喜んで頂けて幸いです。ブーストに感謝! I knew at the time of the asking price that there were so many parts that it was a challenge, so I'm glad the client was happy. #Skeb #Commission
当時のメモほんとにひどいけどこの落書き感気に入ってますw This is how it starts out. ③ I still laugh when I see the graffiti from back then. twitter.com/byHanabi/statu…
納品しました。ご依頼感謝!こちらのバージョンは気付きにくいのですが、違う感じのが混ざってたりするので拡大すると気付いてもらえるかなと。 There are several different versions of how to draw candy. #Skeb #commissions twitter.com/byHanabi/statu…
Thank you for your request🏁I'm glad the client was so pleased. ( I noticed that the way the sentence was translated was not intended, so I'll tweet it again Glad you like the transparent jacket ! #Skeb #commissions
Thank you for your request! @ChikaJihyo Books and effects are an added bonus. Here is an illustration we delivered around the end of last month.I am glad that the client was pleased with it. Maybe by the end of this month I will resume recruiting on skeb #Skeb #commissions
毎回納品したskebに付けてるおまけの一部。24枚中の13枚目頃です。 As a gift to the client I prepare multiple versions each time. This is a character-focused cut, arranged for a greeting card. Uploaded file number 13 /24 #Skeb #commissions twitter.com/byHanabi/statu…
Thank you for the commission! @Masu429 And one apology. Sorry for making you download a large file. Again, I reported it yesterday in a message, but since it is skeb, it was painful to report after the fact. I hope you are pleased with the results. #Skeb #commissions
Skeb納品しまして~からのブーストに感謝!! Thank you for the commission @MaiKidoDesu and boost 👍👍👍 Thank you so much! #skeb #Commission
Skeb is offering no fees until the first of next month, so take advantage of this opportunity! skeb.jp/@byHanabi I'll be offering the usual 12,000 JPY for 6,000 JPY to coincide with skeb's sale. (I may be back soon due to my busy schedule, but don't worry) #Skeb #Commission
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