AnKoha offline wedding event will take place in Color Fiest 11 (Ho Chi Minh city - Viet Nam) 27/08/2023 💐 header by windrainsky (pixiv), avatar by @ryer2911
We'll soon be back to update information about the event so please stay tuned! 💐 Also happy Anhane week!!! I'm so glad we have wedding theme that perfect for this 💓 illustration: ルー (@keiichisuki) #안코하#杏こは#prsk_GL#AnhaneWeek2023#anhane
We are happy to annouce that the AnKoha's offline wedding-themed event - AnKoha Vivid Wedding is officially held on 27th August 2023 at Color Fiesta 11 💐💒 We look forward to your support for this event. 💓 illustration: ルー (@keiichisuki) #안코하#杏こは#anhane#prsk_GL