#RevolutionaryGirlUtena [slight warning for eye strain] finished rewatching the show. when utena got the earrings the cowbell episode was violently rattling around my head... "you went around, proud to wear that huge bell around your neck without even knowing what a cowbell is!"
#ArtSummary i had surprisingly slim pickings for the latter half of the year but i also have an unprecedented amount of wips for larger projects, so that's an achievement of its own... now to actually finish them lmao
#WendellAndWild just a quick portrait of kat. and an opportunity to say goooo watch the movie ‼️
this post* of barbie as patrick bateman was so good that it made me go watch american psycho for the first time. and then draw fanart of that post (sunscones.tumblr.com/post/683262212…)
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