A little drawing of the Temple of Droplets from Legend of Zelda the Minish Cap, can't wait to replay it on the Switch! #Nintendo #zeldafanart #TheLegendOfZelda #fanart #NintendoSwitch
What if Samus could appear in Mario Kart with a new bike? Here's her in Dread suit. EMMI died to become a new vehicle. #Metroid #MarioKart #MetroidDread #fanart
Finished a scene for one of the best GBA games, the Mega Man Zero. A difficult series but I absolutely loved everything about it. Hope we'll see Zero or ZX series continue one day! #megamanzero #MegaMan #fanart #Nintendo #megamanbattlenetwork
Drawing scenes for some of my favorite NES games that unfortunately are pretty much forgotten now #Nintendo #fanart #digitalart
"Samus, even at your full potential you don't stand a chance against this creature" Let's be real, Kirby would just inhale Raven Beak #MetroidDread #MetroidDread #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #fanart #samusaran
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