I had to put this comic on hold for over a month but I finished...ONE PAGE... 😭 (luckily I finished drawing the rest of the pages I just need to color it all now....) have a sneak peek
im terribly slow at working on this comic this time around sry y_y heres one of my favorite interactions within it so far- you can take a guess at the dialogue LOL
I've been busy this month with work stuff / being out of town so I haven't been able to draw much 😖 I'm once again going to be out all this weekend (LOL) but I'll finish this up and post early next week!
Happy new years eve! Theres only a few hours left of 2022 it's time to look back... 😳 There was something I was working on in the past couple months I can not show yet which meant a lack of activity in posting art here during that time but I hope I can show you all it in 2023!