When they put you in charge for a kingdom balance you should always never leave any traces involved into a conspiracy time,leaving only one or two elements alive could strike back far earlier than you thought and leading for an upcoming fall that will shatter the rules definitely
Getting ready to reach him, a daughter always on the matter to help her father. On the otherside he will always protect her no matter what foes or choices meet his path. But this time this is getting tough, and her future could be alone in this new era after this fight.
When the new world collides old principles still remain in our memories, as humans we still think as the same as before. But old mistakes cannot be history because this is no longer the same universe. Different shapes mean different paths for a better hope or another tragedy.
When you strength has reached its peak it's always a difficult task to face your next opponent. Some new paths open during the process but the price to take them could end your life after it. A dangerous loan for an uncertain victory. In hell it must be a common thing after all !
Hyrian family was known for their ancestral arts and leading the way for a better future. However during this time they were many conflicts and encountered from these gods invading their daily lives. A tale hidden from egypt after a blinded light wipped out them into silence
When your DNA is merged by all old species of animals and humans this will be just a thin line and only aspect will stand out. A reason why their soldier on foot division are always send in this tedious place only something close to origin can understand patterns and instincts.
When annunakis took them they didn't know their trip was going to be an endless battle for the order. Leaving no choice for destruction even during peace the balance is their first meaning of that but this doesn't mean death , tears and tragedy will not meet their ambitious way.
We have already lost this war in another era.Traditional rhythms and inspired notes cannot reach them anymore.Our melodic scream travels in the void and only ones with some machines can be appreciated.This doesn't mean we are fading away but this modernity is a challenge to face.