Danger Street 9 cover. Dr. Fate. Pen and India ink. 10 x 15. 2023. From DC by Tom King and Jorge Fornés. A variant cover for issue 9. Special thanks to the inestimable Laura Martin for her lovely color.
Thor. Pen, brush, Tombow pen and Presto white out pen. 11 x 17. 2023 Charity drawing for Baltimore Comic Con 2023 for Hero Initiative auction. Based on a drawing I did years ago for the TwoMorrows Modern Masters series of trade paperbacks.
I recently posted about anniversaries that just went by of some of my favorite work. Today, August 10th, is maybe the 41st anniversary of the release of the X-Men/Teen Titans crossover. I say 'maybe' because, and I've found the release assigned to at least three different dates.
Thor. WIP. Charity auction drawing. Pencil. 11 x 17. 2023. A bit more pencil for an ink drawing for the charity auction at the upcoming Baltimore Comic Con in early September. Still have to add in the Norn Queen, maybe Ulik the Troll. Probably a star field in the background.
The end of July/beginning of August is a good time for me. Thor 337 and Beta Ray Bill dropped 40 years ago today. Yesterday the 51st anniversary of my coming to NYC to try to get into comics. July 31st was the 50th anniversary of Detective Comics 437, first Manhunter story.
The Mandalorian. A cover. Pen, brush, and India ink. 10 x 15. 2023. The Mandalorian fights Ahsoka Tano. No idea what the issue number is, but I see that the cover in color has turned up on the web so the image is out.
Batman White Knight Presents Generation Joker #4 (Of 6). A variant cover. Pen, India ink, and ProWhite. 10 x 15. 2023. Did this a little while back but I see the color version has been released so here's the b/w version. I guess this is me sort of pretending to be Frank Miller.
Captain America: Living Legend No. 2 (variant cover). Pen and India ink. 10 x 15. 2013. Based on a sequence in Steranko's Captain America 113 (I think it's that issue). Happy 4th of July.
The actor, Ray Stevenson, who played Volstagg in the Marvel Thor films, crossed Bifrost to Valhalla a few days ago. We met him on the set of the first Thor film, and had the pleasure of sharing the banquet scene with him. He was very kind to us both and a reason why it was fun.
Happy birthday to the late Jean 'Möbius' Giraud, one of the finest artists ever to grace a comic book page with his art. A long ago pastel drawing from a portfolio (I think) honoring Giraud. This was a slightly different version of Arzach.
Unused cover for Mr. Miracle. Inked by me on vellum over xeroxes of Jack Kirby's pencils. I think the drawing was intended for the Jack Kirby Quarterly but it folded before the drawing could be printed. The drawing will be appearing on the cover of the Jack Kirby Collector 86.
Death's Head 9 cover. Pencils by me. Inks by Mark Farmer. 1989. Death's Head was a lot of fun to draw although getting his actual head right took some doing! :-)
The Mandalorian & Grogu riding a Dewback on Tatooine. Pen and India ink with a little Pitt Pen work on the black. 11 x 17. 2023. A drawing for charity for some refugee aid. I'll post more when I know more.
What if Loki - a cover. I'm not sure if it's the main cover or a variant. Pen and India ink. 10 x 15. 2023. I just found the colored image on the web so here's the b/w version.
This coming September, IDW will be releasing an Artist's Edition of some of my Fantastic Fours from days gone by. This is the signature plate. There will be 125 signed copies bound into copies of the book.
Fantastic Four 7 Variant Cover. At least that's the numbering on the color version I've seen. Or maybe it's variant cover 7. Not sure exactly, but it may be a cover for FF 700. Pen and India in over blue line. 10 x 15. 2023.
The Mandalorian and Grogu, riding a Dewback on what I'm guessing is Tatooine. I see rocks and two moons. Pencils. 11 x 17. 2023. This will be a finished ink drawing to be sold to raise money for a charity. Details later.
World's Finest variant cover. Pen and India ink. 10 x 15. 2023. I always loved the chess players in Manhattan parks. I thought that would make a nice cover. The chess game shown is taken from an actual game. Batman is about to checkmate Superman. Your mileage may vary. ;-)