In honor of this remarkable af person 💛 we're so blessed to have known you, king. Your unending kindness brought me so damn much and I'll never forget you. May you have the best of luck in your fight with God & happy 15mill <3 #riptechnoblade #technobladefanart
| Get a Hold of Yourself | Hi guys!! Im not dead I swear, just in Ringling lol. Its amazing, but the workloads no joke. I'll try to post weekly, but if I can't sometimes just know I havent forgotten yall <3 Thank you so much for sticking with me💛 #tommyinnitfanart #schlattfanart
~The Most Human Color~ Idc what Wilbur says, Friend died and got to be with Ghostbur in his void >:(( (#wilburfanart #wilbursootfanart #ghostburfanart)
Pour one out for the days he still cared about Skeppy ú_ù (in the lore of course) #badboyhalofanart #skeppyfanart
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