it's apparently world Giraffe day, and if there's something I like it's giraffids. Decennatherium, Birgerbohnlinia, Bramatherium and Sivatherium maurisium
closeup of my Mammut borsoni. plenty of marks where the consideration was more about abstract quality and pleasing the eye with it instead of describing stuff
Sometimes I make sketchy paintings and manage to say all I want to express in very minimal way. When I hit those notes it's really hard to justify to my self to take it any further, after all everything is there, the color, the value the painterly strokes. After all it's all ther
Dimetrodon going after diadectes. Illustration done for Tiede magazine. There are choices here that I can't quite remember or fathom why I made them...oh well
@florisdidden it's a crop of a piece I started but never really finished. I should though...need to fix the inaccuracies and maybe add a whale or two to it