I'm Titus and I've been selling my environment art to the highest bidder for over a decade. Mostly Magic the Gathering, D&D and the occasional bollywood movie. #PortfolioDay #Landscapes
Back in 2019 I got asked to design the Panopticon prison at Revel's End. I had 3 weeks to make the entire thing to spec. It was awesome to see it come to life in the #DungeonsAndDragonsMovie I think the design evolved awesomely and it's cool to be part of #DnD!
Had fun painting a place I wouldn't mind visiting - for Cubamajigs 2 Their KS is now live and this art is part of the stretch goal! Check out more awesome art and cool stuff here 👇 kickstarter.com/projects/hitpo…
Impostor syndrome can get in the fucking sea. It ruins my mood on a weekly level at minimum but at least I kick ass in building worlds and then painting them. Case in point. #artpostor
🕸️Menzoberranzan✴️ Years ago I got commissioned to paint this awesome city and recently I had the chance to revisit it. Done for 'The Legend of Drizzt' Concept images and more to follow soon. Thanks to the team for letting me do this one <3 #dnd #dndlore #wotcstaff
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