When you go to Ren faire as Jim and find an Izzy and two Ed’s! (Also this is now one of my favorite cosplays) @OurFlagHBOMax @V_Vico_Ortiz @cononeilluk @TaikaWaititi #OurFlagMeansDeath #Jim #izzyhands #blackbeard #cosplay @tnrenfest
Just a sorcerer in the multiverse of madness. #DoctorStrange #DoctorStrangeInTheMultiverseOfMadness #cosplay @MarvelStudios #marvel @AMCTheatres #amcantioch8
When your friend is selling their 10th Doctor cosplays and you are of similar size.... Of course you support your friend and rehome their stuff!! :) thanks again @JesseTheRef #doctorwho #10thdoctor #tenthdoctor @bbcdoctorwho @DoctorWho_BBCA #cosplay
This one was by request. :) #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayersofinstagram #carrie #sissyspacek #horror #stephenking #costume @StephenKing
How about another one? This is one of my longest running cosplays. :) #jareth #labyrinth #labyrinthmovie #davidbowie #bowie #goblinking #cosplay #crossplay #costume #cosplayersofinstagram #charactercosplaycosplayer #jarethcosplay #jarethcostume
Took some time before work this morning to break out the one snow-related cosplay I have...and then took photos in the freezing cold! #korra #avatarkorra #legendofkorra #cosplay #snow #nashville #winterstorm2021 #avatar
When your coworkers request you wear a costume for the zoom call roundtable with the new COO. #bowie #davidbowie #labyrinth #cosplay #crossplay #goblinking #jareth
It’s almost Halloween and of course I’m going back through some favorite costumes. This was when my coworker, Asia, and I were Will and Hannibal. @NBCHannibal @BryanFuller #hannibal #WillGraham #HannibalLecter #cosplay #halloween #costume
Why yes, it was time for a video call with my team at work to introduce new coworker to the production team (I’m the senior writer). I wore this the entire call. New coworker still hasn’t seen my face. #conferencecall #videocall #work #cosplay #deadpool @VancityReynolds
When you have a team workshop and have to video call in...and are in a mood. #cosplay #finalfantasy #finalfantasy7remake #finalfantasy7 #finalfantasyvii #finalfantasyviiremake #reno #crossplay @finalfantasyvii @FinalFantasy
I ordered an inexpensive wig ages ago from China and it finally arrived today. Bet you can guess what cosplay this will be for. #finalfantasy7 #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasyVIIRemake #finalfantasy7remake #cosplay #reno @finalfantasyvii @FinalFantasy
That moment when you realize you already own a pretty decent “Miller” hat and know that you are now obligated to do the Miller cosplay you’d been casually considering. #theexpanse #miller @ThomasJane @ExpanseOnPrime @TheExpanseWR #cosplay #crossplay #costume
Made an appearance as Edgar Allan Poe at Dickens of a Christmas in Franklin this weekend and had a fantastic time! @CityOfFranklin #DickensOfAChristmas #DickensFaire #poe #EdgarAllanPoe #cosplay #Crossplay
Sometimes you just have to go to a comic store dressed as Doctor Strange.... #cosplay #crossplay #costume #DoctorStrange #BenedictCumberbatch #Avengers #AvengersEndgame @Avengers @MarvelStudios
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