Best of Brook at @HolidayMatsuri 2022. #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #OnePiece #cosplay #OnePieceCosplay #HolMat #holidaymatsuri #holidaymatsuri2022
Every #cosplay build is a learning opportunity. For this one I learned NOT TO THROW ANYTHING AWAY UNTIL AFTER YOU FINISHED. Anyway here are some reprinted C-vertebrae, lol. #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake
It's beginning to look a lot like #HolMat @HolidayMatsuri #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #OnePiece #cosplay #TestFitting
I used magnets to make sure mask stays on my face under the hood, and now I'm using magnets to make the hat stay on the afro. Next I solve for getting the hat+afro to stay on the mask+hood! 🤪 #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #OnePiece #cosplay #OnePieceCosplay #Brook #YoHoHoHo
Trying Liquitex acrylic medium as a filler instead of Smooth On. Let's see what happens! #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #starwars #cosplay #starwarscosplay #clonetrooper
Yay magnets and headbands for Brook! #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #OnePiece #cosplay #OnePieceCosplay
Silver linings being what they are, having to cut my #3Dprint into quarters means I get to learn how to weld! #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #starwars #cosplay #starwarscosplay #clonetrooper
Ah the joy and anxiety of a print at 50% completion. #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #3Dprinting #StarWars #cosplay #CloneTrooper
Magnets, how do they work? Testing magnets for Brook's chest. 🥸 #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #OnePiece #cosplay #OnePieceCosplay
Oh it gets weirder. Twitter, meet Father. #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #MyHeroAcademia #cosplay #ShigarakiTomura
Alas poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio. Brook looks good with color on his cheeks. That is, if he had cheeks. #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #OnePiece #cosplay #OnePieceCosplay
Well, thank goodness I overbought bone-colored paint when I was making my Maui hook #props because... well. *gestures at the skeleton cosplay* #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #OnePiece #cosplay #OnePieceCosplay
Couple macro shots of my Brook ribs. Finally using my 3D pen! And man am I glad for the random video on YouTube that showed me I could use my wood burner to smooth out #3dprinted parts. #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #OnePiece #cosplay #OnePieceCosplay
"I have the strangest hobby," I say to myself, sitting on my porch, using a wood burner to smooth out #3dprinted human vertebrae. #cosplay #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #OnePiece #onepiececosplay
That's the part of cosplay they don't tell you about... The tedium. #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #ONEPIECE #cosplay #OnePieceCosplay
Thanks @MegaConOrlando. Spider-Man'dalorian had a wonderful time. #cosplay #marvel #StarWars #spiderman #mandaloriancosplay #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake
My hands look like this... So my #cosplay can look like this.😆 _+_+_+_+_+_+_ #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #marvel #StarWars #spiderman #mandaloriancosplay
Home stretch... #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #cosplay #SpiderMan #mandaloriancosplay #marvel #StarWars
With this, my webbing is done. Just needs the visor, the weathering, and the attachment. Then off to @MegaConOrlando! #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #cosplay #marvel #StarWars #SpiderMan #mandaloriancosplay
Feeling pretty good about my web effects... #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #cosplay #SpiderMan #mandaloriancosplay
So, print the template, cut the template out and keep it, trace the template, cut the tracing out and throw it away, use the remaining bit as the template. Makes TOTAL sense. #BSMakes #MakersGonnaMake #SpiderMan #mandaloriancosplay #cosplay
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