2 2 I drew a nest of our chicks, which were observed in the summer. The redstart nested very low on the ledge of the gatehouse. I'm surprised the cats didn't get there. Redstarts feed their chicks in the nest for only two weeks. #inktober #inktober2022 22/10/09 21:29
I drew a nest of our chicks, which were observed in the summer. The redstart nested very low on the ledge of the gatehouse. I'm surprised the cats didn't get there. Redstarts feed their chicks in the nest for only two weeks. #inktober #inktober2022
1 3 Day 8. Match. @inktober Day of burning of the Crimean bridge!👍 #inktober2022match #crimea #crimeanbridge #Inktober #blackandwhite #drawingoftheday #drawing #ukrainianartist #artgallery #sketchbook #sketching #CrimeaIsUkraine #Crimean_bridge #urbansketchers #seascape 22/10/09 04:13
Day 8. Match. @inktober Day of burning of the Crimean bridge!👍 #inktober2022match #crimea #crimeanbridge #Inktober #blackandwhite #drawingoftheday #drawing #ukrainianartist #artgallery #sketchbook #sketching #CrimeaIsUkraine #Crimean_bridge #urbansketchers #seascape
0 4 My fall #pleinair #ArtistOnTwitter #womanart #Inktober #inktober2022 22/10/08 17:00
My fall #pleinair #ArtistOnTwitter #womanart #Inktober #inktober2022
🇺🇦Sveta Mikhalevichさんのメディアツイートを見る
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