Debuting Horseless Headless Horsemann at London MCM allowed us to see what worked and what didn't. After altering him we made some changes and here he is at CosXPo. Photography by @RyanCorder #TF2 #TeamFortress2 #HorselessHeadlessHorsemann #TF2Cosplay #TF2halloween
Powder Ganger planting dynamite in amongst some rubble of the NCR Correctional Facility. #Bethesda #Fallout #FalloutNewVegas #FONV #BethesdaCosplay #FalloutCosplay #PowderGangers #NewCaliforniaRepublic #NCR #NCRCF #Cosplay
Powder Ganger standing guard at the entrance of the NCR Correctional Facility. #Bethesda #Fallout #FalloutNewVegas #FONV #BethesdaCosplay #FalloutCosplay #PowderGangers #NewCaliforniaRepublic #NCR #NCRCF #Cosplay
I call 'Shotgun' on the top bunk!! #Bethesda #Fallout #FalloutNewVegas #FONV #BethesdaCosplay #FalloutCosplay #PowderGangers #NewCaliforniaRepublic #NCR #NCRCF #Cosplay #Cosplayers
Powder Gangers keeping watch over the correctional facility. #Bethesda #Fallout #FalloutNewVegas #FONV #BethesdaCosplay #FalloutCosplay #PowderGangers #NewCaliforniaRepublic #NCR #NCRCF #Cosplay #Cosplayers
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