Since it's Pandora Hearts 15th anniversary, I felt the mighty need to expose myself and share photos from a nice team we made some years ago Pandora Hearts is my favorite manga and it'll forever have a place in my heart 🥺💕 #PandoraHearts #cosplay
Jean from Genshin Impact, casual outfit. Someday I'll make the full cosplay. #GenshinImpact #GenshinImpactcosplay #cosplay #casualcosplay #genshinimpactjean
Brisingamen Squadron Vice Captain, Personal Name Melusine. You can call me Shana~ Happy Eighty Six Saturday everyone! I'm filling my weekly contribution to this fandom with a make up test. Gosh, this girl is gorgeous! #eightysix #eightysixcosplay #cosplay #エイティシックス
🎶 Sei 🎶 (Not that free but better than before)さんのメディアツイートを見る
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