Trying out a new foam for the torso & legs. Mounting next week ... hopefully the movement works out and solves a few of the quality issues with my previous tests update soon... stay tuned🤘🦇#batman #batsuit #batman89 #timburton #michaelkeaton #dccomics #dceu #cosplay
Original 89 Keaton #batsuit restoration update: over the xmas break I was able to get the mold done for the upper armor ... here is a quick test with the cowl and gloves ..hope to have the finished suit done by April 🤞🦇 #batman #timburton #michaelkeaton #batman89 #cosplay
Bat Fan! Helps with the glue fumes ... getting this one out tomorrow in time for #halloween weekend 🦇🎃#batman #batsuit #cosplay #batsignal #crunchtime
Spent today Batmanning #FrankMiller style 🦇..... Hey @FrankMillerInk am I doing it right ? #batman #batsuit #cosplay #thedarkknightreturns #dccomics #darkknight #halloween #mask
Sooooo I’m obsessed with my new 89 #batman grapnel launcher replica from @NECA_TOYS … and if you’re lucky enough to grab one ? You will be too... I'm a very happy Bat-Geek 🦇🤓 #batman89 #batsuit #michaelkeaton #timburton #theflash #cosplay
shots of the #Batfleck dyesub with the BVS cowl…very happy with how it fits together..#SoCal is starting to warm up at bit so I will be experimenting with a cape that will hopefully work with the suit #batman #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #batsuit #batmanvsuperman #cosplay
got the first piece of an 18 piece puzzle ... got a LOT of work ahead ...but excited to jump in ... and yes, I can see out of the helmet 🦇🤖💪 #batman #batsuit #batfleck #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #cosplay #batmanvsuperman #MakeTheBatfleckMovie #hbomax
was able to test fit the #batfleck style dyesub suit I mounted last week... here is some shots showcasing the difference lighting makes as well as how it fits on and off the mannequin 🦇💪#batman #batsuit #cosplay #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague
started making some upgrades to my personal BVS suit 🦇💪 #batfleck #batman #batsuit #batmanvsuperman #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #cosplay
getting ready for some #SnydersCut 🦇💪🤟 #batfleck #batman #batsuit #ZackSnyderJusticeLeague #benaffleck #costume #JusticeLeague #dccomics #cosplay
"I only work in BLACK...or very, very dark grey" LEGO Batman ~ .... Arkham '21 cowl sculpt started on New Years Day ... today I sealed in black and getting ready to mold 🦇🤟 #batman #arkhamcity #arkhamasylum #dccomics #cosplay #batsuit
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