@Inktober 2022 Day 21 - Bad Dog "Well, it used to be the Golden Goose, see?" The Bookmaker, startled from his reverie, looked up quickly. The woman at the bar winked at him, and he slowly nodded... The story continues on @Patreon! #Inktober #Inktober2022 #TheAnxiousArtist
@inktober 2022 Day 19 - Ponytail Lately his dreams had been so vivid that they felt more like memories, but he knew that couldn't be possible... The story continues on @Patreon (link in comments) #ArtLife #TheAnxiousArtist #Inktober #Inktober2022 #InktoberChallenge
@inktober 2022 Day 18 - Scrape The silence was broken by a harsh sound of metal scraping against rocks as a group of men emerged from the shadows, moving toward the statue... The story continues on @Patreon! (link in comments) #ArtLife #Inktober #Inktober2022 #TheAnxiousArtist
@inktober 2022 Day 8 - Match In one quick fluid motion he struck the match, waiting a moment to be sure it was properly lit before throwing it into the pit...The story continues on @Patreon! #Inktober #Inktober2022 #TheAnxiousArtist #Day8
@inktober 2022 Day 7 - Trip It had been raining for weeks. The Bookmaker hated to travel in the rain, but he was growing impatient with the continued delays to his journey... The story continues over on my @Patreon! #Inktober #Inktober2022 #ArtLife #TheAnxiousArtist
@inktober 2022 Day 6: Bouquet HER voice. Calm, quietly soothing. "Find me. You know the way," and he briefly wondered why he smelled lavender before he finally drifted into a deep, dreamless rest. The story continues on @Patreon! #ArtLife #TheAnxiousArtist #Inktober
@inktober Day 1: Gargoyle It begins with a myth... #Inktober #Inktober2022 #Day1 #Gargoyle #InktoberChallenge #TheAnxiousArtist
#Inktober DAY 30-31 : SLITHER/RISK The slither of the silk as it tightens up around tensed muscles gives a sense of security, but there is still a risk of losing your grip. OMG I DID IT #inktober2021 #inktoberchallenge2021 #ArtLife #TheAnxiousArtist #InktoberChallengeCOMPLETE
#Inktober DAY 25 - SPLAT Oh dear. Baldryn always did wonder what happened to his brother... #ArtLife #TheAnxiousArtist #Inktober #inktober2021 #inktoberchallenge2021 #Day25 #DungeonsAndDragons #GamerGirl #Storylines #GelatinousCubes
#Inktober DAY 23: LEAK Y'all. Glowy effects are haaaaaaaard. Inspired by a DragonAge character #inktober2021 #ArtLife #TheAnxiousArtist #Day23 #DragonAge #GamerGirl #inktoberchallenge2021
@inktober DAY 20: SPROUT “Death is the start of a beginning, life is the start of the end, and the cycle continues forever." #ArtLife #TheAnxiousArtist #Inktober #inktober2021 #inktoberchallenge #art #Artwork #Artist #ArtistOnTwitter
DAYS 17-19 COLLIDE/MOON/LOOP Combining days again, to keep me on track. I'm a huge Witcher fan, so I wanted to try to draw Geralt. Hopefully I did him justice. #Inktober #ArtLife #TheAnxiousArtist #inktober2021 #Witcher3 #GeraltIfRivia #inktoberchallenge
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