sorry, but...last free chat 2:32:33, the stretch sounds like the lady c: 聽到上次雜談差不多2:32:33的伸懶腰聲音,這個畫面一直盤旋在我的腦海裡c: #ikenography
rkgk the other day, in pre-chat :we can fly??? :yes yes :strawberry SOAP the best :quillcopter, quillcopter #quilldren #Ikenography
Congrats 700K! (╯°□°)╯︵ free supa and IKEY おかえりー (one week late w 休假回來的這一周的直播,聲音聽起來真的元氣滿滿!最喜歡元氣文豪了!!!(喝醉文豪也很棒(笑 これからも応援します💙💙💙 #Ikenography #Quilldren
The members watchalong stream, Ike kun sounds like Umaru chan. 💙💙💙 會限的Ike聽起來超像小埋妹妹的!!拖了好幾天還是把腦袋中的魚乾弟弟畫出來了XD (有描圖 #Ikenography
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