Chloe the Con Crunch Cryptid
Plus size cosplayer
Talk to me about Trigun, Symphogear, magical girls and Gundam Occasional 18+
AKA Ninjagal6|28|bi|she/her
I have to post another Pic bc that other one is doing numbers and I can't let the maid Vash photo be the first that JP Trigun Twitter sees #sakuracon2023#Trigunstampede#vashcosplay
I am SO PSYCHED to wear Millaarc again this weekend. I'm looking forward to fixing the wig, making cute wings and doing something more interesting with my makeup. (also no lip gloss, it just got on my fangs lol) #symphogear#シンフォギア#シンフォギアXV#ミラアルク#コスプレ