Day 31 of #inktober... Crawl Inspired by Halloween and the Adams family. As with all my pics plenty of flaws that need to be worked on. #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #sketch #doodle #crawl #severedhand #adamsfamily #halloween
Day 30 of #inktober... Ominous Nothing more ominous than the Eye of Sauron looking down on you in middle earth. #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #sketch #doodle #ominous #lotr #eyeofsauron #lordoftherings #middleearth
Day 29 of #inktober... Shoes Jandals - they are like the national shoe of nz. Even our cartoon characters wear them. 😁 #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #sketch #doodle #shoes #jandal #jandals #jandalburn #muckpuddy
Day 28 of #inktober... Float I think I should have just redrawn this one.... There is a LOT wrong with this. 😞 #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #sketch #doodle #float #ufo #alienabduction
Day 23 of #inktober... Rip #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #sketch #doodle #rip #sloth #fart #slothlife
Day 19 of #inktober... Dizzy #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #sketch #doodle #dizzy #catplaytime
Day 17 of #inktober... Storm In the city you can always huge the intensity of a storm by the number of broken umbrellas in the bins. 😀 #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #sketch #doodle #storm #brokenumbrella #rain
Day 16 of #inktober... Rocket The best kind of rockets are skyrockets that make the night sky sparkle. #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #sketch #doodle #rocket #skyrocket #fireworks #boom #guyfawkes
Day 14 of #inktober... Armor #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #sketch #doodle #armor #helmet #romanhelmet
Day 12 of #inktober... Slippery #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #sketch #doodle #slippery #slippers #bunnyslippers #hairylegs
Day 11 of #inktober... Disgusting #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #sketch #doodle #disgusting #eye #fly #goawayfly #nope
Day 9 of #inktober... Throw #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #throw #paperplane #doodle #sketch
Day 8 of #inktober... Teeth Will season two of The Mandolorian include baby teeth for baby Yoda??? #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #teeth #themandolorian #thechild #babyyoda #thingsidontwanttosee #doesyodahaveteeth
Day 7 of #inktober... Fancy Plenty of flaws with this drawing but if you squint your eyes you can tell this is meant to be Top Cat. 🐱 #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #fancy #topcat #hannahbarbera #saturdaymorningcartoons #cartoon #cartoonart
Day 4 of #inktober... Radio. 📻 #inktober2020 #Drawing #pendrawing #basicart #beginner #dontlook #radio #sanyo #sanyoradio
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