~day 31 Crawl This year 2020 crawled upon us. Yay!! We finally did it kek, it has been fun drawing for atleast 15 - 20 minutes every day this October in order to improve and learn or as you call it @inktober. #inktober2020 #inktober #inktober2020day31 #inktober2020crawl #crawl
~day 30 Ominous One is greater than any other number. #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day30 #inktober2020ominous #ominous
~day 29 Shoes Walk until the edge of tommorow #inktober2020 #inktober #inktoberday29 #inktober2020shoes #shoes
~day 27 Music The marvelous concept about music is that it connects people wherever you are in the world through emotion and passion that all of us have #inktober2020 #inktober #inktoberday27 #inktober2020music #music
~day 26 Hide You know how cats do. They hide to die. Dogs come home. #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day26 #inktober2020hide #hide #cat #catart
~day 22 Chef I dunno man Chef kinda sus. #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day22 #inktoberchef #chef #amongusfanart #AmongUs #AmongUsmemes
~day 21 Sleep Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day21 #sleep #inktober2020sleep
~day 20 Coral It's impossible to imagine our planet without coral. #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day20 #inktober2020coral #coral #coralreefs
~day 19 Dizzy My mind overflows with thoughts that make me dizzy😵 #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day19 #inktober2020dizzy #dizzy
~day 12 Slippery Don't slip out of love. #inktober2020 #inktober #inktoberday12slippery #slippery
~day 8 Teeth Always smile even if you're sad. #inktober2020 #inktober2020day8 #inktoberteeth #inktober #teeth
~day 6 Rodent Cute but deadly #inktober2020 #inktober2020day6 #inktober2020rodent #rodent #hamster
~day 1 fish The Ocean is deep Everything will fade away Do not be consumed #inktober2020 #InktoberDay1 #inktober2020day1 A fish in the middle of the Ocean drowning? Or a human in the middle of nature trying to defy death? Asking for "help" to the very nature we humans destroy.
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