Thunderstep. 3rd level conjuration. Instant. For the @ExandriaArtists Spells'n'Stuff project I had the honor of drawing Fjord's Thunder Step!⚡️ #criticalrolefanart #SpellsnStuff
The Aeorian Nullifier creeps up on the unsuspecting explorer… My contribution to the #CreatureMenagerie project of @ExandriaArtists ! #criticalrolefanart
“Once a powerful balor pursuing total annihilation of the Feywild, Naviask was transformed into a fey spirit by Queen Titania of the Summer Court.” The transformation of Naviask for the #BeyondTheDivineGate project! @ExandriaArtists #criticalrolefanart
Yussa Errenis has arrived at the #ExandrianMasquerade and is making sure he’s wearing the most expensive attire out of all attendees! In true wizard fashion he’s pondering his happy fun orb. Really happy I got to draw this amazing NPC! @ExandriaArtists #CriticalRoleFanart
"Suddenly the Withering Gaze of Fastidan comes upon you, and the breath just escapes you, as this green light surrounds you." Fastidan of the Somnovem, as he might have once looked long ago. My contribution to @tgtw_project ! #criticalrolefanart #TGTW #CriticalRole
"A brutal man with a grudge against religious empowerment." My piece for the Autumn segment of @tgtw_project : The Prime Arbiter of Rexxentrum and head of the noble Truscan family. Sydnock Truscan! #TGTW #criticalrolefanart
My #artvsartist2021 2021 was the year in which I properly picked up digital art after over a decade of traditional art. I'm proud of the progress I've made and the characters I've brought to life!
'I've been looking for you...' ExU's Myr'atta Niselor for a Discord pinup project! I really like how this one turned out, I'm trying out a lot of new things :) #criticalrolefanart #CriticalRole
"It is rumored that toward the center of the barren fields grows a beautiful, towering tree that grew from the final seed left by Melora." The Arbor Exemplar within the Barbed Fields. My second piece for the @tgtw_project summer segment! #criticalrolefanart #tgtw
"The assigned taskhand, Durth Mirimm, has a strained partnership with the two elder leaders of the goblin and orc clans." A portrait of the Taskhand Durth Mirimm of Jigow. My first piece for the @tgtw_project summer segment! #criticalrolefanart #tgtw
In the absence of Critical Role today I drew some Shadowgast to keep me satisfied. #CriticalRoleArt #criticalrolefanart
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