Drew them from memory, I did not use references Happy with almost everyone, I failed terribly at IRyS 2.0... #GambaRisu #HoshinovArt #ioarts #ArtsofAshes #callillust #inART #gawrt #ameliaRT #IRySart #BaelzBrush #drawMEI #kroniillust #galaxillust #FineFaunart
Already working on a shitty comic about the collab... I apologize to Fauna in advance. #kfp #kfpmemes #ArtsOfAshes #FineFaunart
It made me so happy to know people understood this reference on reddit. 🥲 #kfpmemes #artsofashes
I loved Kiwawa's birthday concert, my top 3 moments were the quiz for the bone bros, fever night and Kiara doing a PERFECT imitation of the shuba duck dance. #Kiara3DBirbday #kfp #artsofashes #callillust
Kiara while playing as herself in holocure: "I feel like I'm invincible, nothing can kill me now." Fubuzilla: "Oh, hi friend!" #ArtsOfAshes #kfp #kfpmemes
I don't speak Japanese, so I had to improvise a little... Ok, not a little, I made it all up except the final scores. Towa actually won against every member of Holo X, the rest is just for the memes. #TOWART #Luillust #laplus_artdesu
I loved many moments from this, my favorite was when Calli told Kiara to be nice to herself when she apologized for being a "bad teacher", everyone needs supportive friends. Also, teaching is fucking hard, Kiara was doing ok. #gawrt #artsofashes #ameliaRT #inART #callillust #kfp
I was bored and I felt like drawing this after knowing that Kiwawa will continue Elden ring tomorrow. #kfpmemes #ArtsOfAshes #kfp
I'll be honest, I wanted Kiara to left the mustache on her character. Imagine the memes... #ArtsOfAshes #kfp #kfpmemes
I don't know what to say... reddit.com/r/Hololive/com… #holoCouncil #hololiveEN #IRySart #holoMyth
I'm surprised not many people talked about this moment. #inART #callilust #ArtsOfAshes #kfpmemes
I can't believe is a year already... I'm glad I followed this phoenix from the very first day. Happy anniversary Kiara! #kiaraversary #ArtsOfAshes #kfp
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